Wednesday, 1 April 2009

knowledge management system

knowledge manage system helps the organization to manage process for improve performance by capturing and applying knowledge and expertise.(Laudon.c.h & Laudon).

knowledge manage system should help particularly to overcome the short coming of present practices of business engineering with respect to organization performance.(Ronald Mair).

management system gather all the closely connected knowledge and observation of facts within the organization and use them or make them available when required in the organization for better business processes and management decisions, they also connect the organization to other sources that provide information.

KMS in organization:

knowledge management system supports the processes for learning,developing, preserving, sharing out and bringing them into operation as well as process for making new knowledge and combining it in the organization. they consists enterprise-wide system for taking care and sharing out document, images and other different digital object knowledge, organized method for making corporate knowledge creation more easier and similar, office system sharing out information. other knowledge management application prefer intelligent method that codify the knowledge for other members in the firm and help to perform for knowledge discovery that recognizes the type or form and relations large pools of data.

In any successful organization, knowledge worker plays key role. knowledge worker means scientists, engineers or architects, design products or services and create new knowledge for the organization. knowledge workers need to think as company owner, find out effective solutions to problems or spot business opportunities. knowledge workers contribute their knowledge, skills, experiences, talent, and judgment to organization. knowledge worker share their knowledge through knowledge management system. this system will helps to employees communicate and learn more readily. employees at various locations in the company can make effective decision using KMS. By using KMS possible to make right decision at right time.

IDC is a research company, predict that in 2004 U.S. companies would spend $4.8 in knowledge management services, and that the spending on knowledge management by companies world wide reach $10.2 billion.

types of KNS:

there are three major types of the knowledge management system,

-enterprise-wide KMS: general purpose, collect, store, disseminate

-knowledge woke systems: create and discover new knowledge by scientist, engineers and other workers in the organization.
-intelligent techniques: tool for discovering patterns and applying knowledge to descreate decisions and knowledge domains.

Knowledge management system is set of business process developed to create, store, transfer and apply knowledge in organization.

Role of IT in KMS:
knowledge management system is set of business process developed to create, store, transfer and apply knowledge in organization. the knowledge management value chain is illustrated by (Loudon.C.K & Loundon.P.J), it is explain about flow of data to get knowledge. In this steps are Acquire, Store, Disseminate, Apply.
Acquisition: Organization acquire knowledge in different ways depending on the type of knowledge thet seek. the knowledge build for specially making reports, documents, presentation and best practices.

Storage: Data Storage is man important of organization, for retrieve and update of the documents, patterns. Database storage is using for store of data. From this all employees are using related data to apply for particular actions.

Dissemination: Data, Documents, and Graphics are sharing with the help of e-mail, instant message, and search engine technologies.

Application: Organizations are facing practical problem thet which arae not shared by general knowledge management but this can be achieved by making the organization, knowledge as a systematic port of management decision making. To make the management as systematic port by implementing new knowledge management must be build in the all
organization business process.
-Laudon.C.K & Laudon.J.p (2008),Management Information System(10th edition), Managing Knowledge,India, Prentice hall

-Effy Oz(2002), Management Information System,Data and Knowledge Managemet( third edition),Canada,Course Technology


  1. hi shyam i think still you have to improve your article,i dint get any idea what you want to say by this article.please keep one idea what you want to say with this article.
    all the best

  2. hi Shyam,
    I read your article and found it interesting as you have explained everything clearly and you have also went indepth and looks like you have done some research on the article. cheers

  3. You have started the article off well by defininig KMS's and acknowledging the purpose of KMS in any organisation. But you have failed to recognise that employees might not always use KMS's that might be implemented in an organisation and alos recognise initiatives an organisation might take to counteract this.

    You have also not given consideration to the different components of any KMS. You have focused solely on the knowledge worker who is only one of the components that make up a knowledge management system.
