Friday, 30 January 2009

knowledge management

Knowledge Management

There is no particular definition about the knowledge management, but when I discussed about the knowledge management in group discussion with my friends and colleagues, I came to my personal conclusion about the knowledge management is creating, analyzing, sharing, supporting decisions and to improve the management process and it applies through and integrate it into an organization.

L.C Kenneth and L.C Jane (2007) discuss "Knowledge management is an intangible asset. It improves and gives better managerial process and management and support the process of applying knowledge and expertise".

According to (Ron Yon) Knowledge Management is "the discipline of enabling individual, teams and entire organization to collectively and systematically create, share and applies knowledge to better achieve their objectives".

M.Fafari, P.Akvan, M.N Fesharak, M Fathian (2007) State "KM is a systematic, goal-oriented of measures to control the intangible and tangible Knowledge assets of organizations, with aim to enable creation of new knowledge by using existing knowledge in internal and external sides of these organisations and generate value,creativity,to achieve objectives of out of it". Before going to discuss about knowledge management,we have to know about knowledge and management separately.


According to Collin's dictionary which was published in1984 defines as"knowledge is a collection of fact, feelings, or experiences know by a person or a group of people".

knowledge=Information+[skills+experience+personal capability]

- By Syed Z.shariq.

Through wikipedia,"The activity of management is to gather people to accomplish desire goals in business as well as human organisation activities".

from the above mentioned definitions of knowledge and management, I came to know the concept of knowledge management, i.e.

knowledge management:

KM is the process through which the organisation, firms render to their services with applying intellectual thoughts and expertise to better achieve objectives.

I always share my opinions, interests and ideas with my friends or my roommates about my past experience and future plannings. Some of my friends belongs to different nations and different professions such as Law, Medicine, MBA, etc, and coming to me I am an software professionist. I used to share my knowledge with other friends those who doesn't have sound knowledge particularly in computers. This is one of the way that I improve my knowledge.

Importance of KM:

Today the world becomes global village as the result the competition in the various fields like organisations, firms and industries. Also the demands from the customers also increased greatly.To face all these challenges to encourage knowledge is only factor to face and maintain competitiveness. By this knowledge management intellectual capabilities produce clever products and services on knowledge based assets, as the result technology developed and then there rapid changes in global market. Knowledge Management in the organisation plays an important role to enable the organisation creativity, design and develop better product in better price.

Knowledge Management Life-Cycle:

Knowledge Management is further classified into Organization and Technology component.

Organization: It consists of social-cultural environment, policies, standard and organization.

Technology: It consists of tools and techniques to implement effective knowledge management.
The tools are further classified into; knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization.

K-Creation: we can creat knowledge in two ways explicit and tacit knowledge. Explict knowledge is nothing but keeping the information in a paper or in electronic device, where as tacit knowledge is nothnig but it is raised in people 's minds this knowledge is need to be converted into explicit knowledge to access others.

K-Storage: Knowledge is stored and organised in respository.

K-sharing:Knowledge is shared and accesed by people.

K-Utilization: Knowledge is make practical and use.


John J.Clark, Thomas J.Hindelang, Robert E.Printchard are states " Strategy planning pertain to the establishment of goals and the progress of the firm in moving toward the defined targets".

By business dictionary "Alternative chosen to happen a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem".

In my view strategy is an Art to achieve long term goals through perfect planning, and command over the resources for their best progress towards targets.

My personal strategy is to become a business analyst for this I am using my skills, knowledge and experience as the resources to achieve my targets(or progress towards achieving my target).


-L.C Kenneth and L.P.Jane,2007, Management Information System, Tenth edition, New jersey,Prentice hall,page 65-66.

M.Fafari, P.Akvan, M.N Fesharak,M Fathian ,2007,Aircraft engineering and Aerospace technology, 79(1), page 69.

-Ron Yon,CEO/CKO Knowledge Associate International.

-Syed Z.Shariq,1997,leveraging human capital,knowledge management, 1(1),page 64-65.

-John J.Clark, Thomas J.Hindelang, Robert E.Printchard,Capital Budgeting,Second Edition,New Jersey,1984,page 466. (Accessed on 10 Feb 2009).

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

community of practice

Comunity of practice:- is a special type of network, on this network sharing of knowladge or information of same goals. comunities of practices are group of people who share a cancern or passion for somthing they do and learn how to do it better as they meet regularly.


Strategy:- strategy is a plan or blue print of action to achive our goals in optimam way. it is long term plane and different from tactics or immediate actions. Strategy is most important or essential for any business any oraganisation. clear and effective corporate strategy is necessary for success of organisation.



L.C Kenneth and L.p Jane (2007) says about Organisation" is a stable, formal, social structure that take resources from environment and process them to produce outputs".

Another author gives " an organistion is a group of people intentionally organised to accomplish and an overall, common goal or set of goals".

By the business dictionary meaning of organization is" social unit of people, systematically arranged and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis".

As per my best knowledge, Organization is a group of people in public domain that runs well under social structure to achieve common goal more efficiently.

what is an organization?

According to L.C kenneth and L.P jane, in their explanation about the organization, I understood very well about the organization. His opinion about organization, it is a social formal structure and more stable then an informal group (such as a group of friends that meats every friday for lunch) in terms of long life and regularity. It works under set of rules which are legal. In his opinion capital and labour are primary production factor taken from environment. The production function in the organization transform these input in to product and services.

Organization is a place where many people or a group of people work together, in other words a company or an establishment. An organization has different departments, this makes the operations go more smoothly and in an efficient manner. The motive to split the work in an organization is to get better result. Most of organizations follow an hierarchy, this help the employees to promote there ideas and veiws. For example a employee cannot go and share his views with the head of the organization. But he can do that with his manager or superior, so he can recommend that view to his seniors. The aim of any organization is to make a mark in the marker and for that several department like Sales and marketing,Finance and Account, Human resource, and products and manufacture, etc, work together. They all work for the success of the company.

Any organization has a unique culture, or fundamental set of assumptions, ways of doing things, and values, that has been accepted by most of its members. Lets take an example of our MiddleSex University, we observe in our university there are several departments like student office, finance deparment, help desk, professor's cabin, etc. This makes the work easier and it is convenient for the student as well. Coming to the rules and regulations of our university it is very much punctual and excellent conduct.

Community of Practice:

In my point of view community of practice is, interaction between a group of people who share their knowledge about something what they know and they learn what they doesn't know regarding the concepts of their work to do much better.

According ot Etienne wanger " communities of practice are group of people who share a concern of a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly".

Fred Nickols,(2000) state that "communities of practice are group of people in orgnizations that form to share what they know to learn from one another regarding some aspects of their work had to provide a social context for the work".

What are community of practice:

According to "Etienne Wanger", he says all communities are not comes under community of practice, but all communities of practice are community which include the Domain, Community, and Practice.
Domain: It is nothing but sharing or gathering information from different places by the members they learn and share their collective information from each other.

Community: It is nothing but members are following in their interest domain. They are engage in joint activities and discussions, help each other and share information.

Practice: Members of a community of practice are practioners. They make shared respertoire of resources.

For Example: Community of practice is just like a group of friends or street gang. They share their knowledge about something what they know and learn new thing from their friends at daily meeting place. They may have developed all sorts of ways of dealing with their field.
-L.C Kenneth and L.p Jane (2007), Management informtion system, Tenth edition, New Jersey, prentice-hall, page 83-86.
-Etienne wenger,19998, learning as a sicial system,community of practice,

Thursday, 22 January 2009

about me

hi iam shyam,
iam from india, i completed my bachelor degree (B-TECH) in computer science. Now iam doing Msc in middlesex university specialization in business information system and management. i like this course i want to become business analyst.